Tommy Wong

develops web and mobile apps.

About Him

If you are searching someone who likes crazy ideas, you came to the right place. He is the one you're looking for as he is only interested in challenging tasks.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Tommy used the opportunity to teach himself coding. His expertise are full-stack web apps and mobile apps. You shouldn't mention tech to him as he will have you sit down in Starbucks talking about it for 6 hours straight.

He has joined an app development company as intern, anticipated some freelance jobs, worked in educational company as full-timer, helped my dad created a business solution and created various mini projects. All before he even started his university industrial training.

My handsome thumbnail


Technologies that he's proud to say he is good at.


He had used Flutter to create and deployed multiple production-ready iOS and Android apps for client.


Preferably in TypeScript, he is also proficient in using MUI, MantineUI, NextJS and various of React libraries.


Experienced in Authentication, Firestore, Real-time database, FCM, Hosting, Analytics, Functions and more.


He used it to convince his company to migrate to it cause they love it the moment they saw the blazing speed of it!


He had built tons of NodeJS related projects including using frameworks like Angular, Ionic, ExpressJS, React Native, and more.


He use MongoDB to help creating, migrating, maintain and optimising enterprise-grade database for clients.


A little overview of his development journey.

  1. Learning
    Dec 2019 - Now

    Initially, he learned some web development from freecodecamp and earned multiple certificates including a front-end certificate.


    Then, Tommy accidentally found Harvard's famous CS50 and he completed the video lectures and assessment given by the course. He also continue the journey by joining the game development track and earned himself a CS50 Game Development certificate.

    CS50G.png CS50x.png

    Upon the completion of Introduction to Game Development, he builds a game using Unity3D namely T-Rex 3D and uploaded to Google Play Store only to installed by 1000+ users. Though it was taken down by Play Store due to inactivity, the demo video is still available to be watched!

  2. 2
    May 2020 - Oct 2020
  3. 3
    Oct 2020 - Now
  4. 4
    Feb 2021 - Now

Let's Talk!

If you feel like he is the one you are searching for, or there's something about the website you wanna criticise, feel free to let him know!